

Product Overview

Privathaftpflicht (1 YEAR) / Private Liability – Deutsche Familienversicherung


The Deutsche Familienversicherung (DFV) HaftpflichtSchutz is a German personal liability insurance. The sum insured is 20 million Euro. The also offer cost assumption in case of liability loss and protection against unlawful damage claims. If you loose your keys (private or from work), you will be covered as well. This German personal liability insurance even covers drones up to 5kg.

  • Sum insured €20 million Euro
  • Deductible can be chosen (€0 – €300)
  • Dog owner liability (Hundehaftpflicht) can be booked in addition
  • 4 tariffs to choose from (€3.50 – €8.40 per month)
  • In case of unemployment: free from monthly payment


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Damage Coverage

€20 million

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It is very easy to register for the DFV HaftpflichtSchutz online. You simple have to click the blue button saying Online abschließen. You can choose between 4 different options of personal liability insurance, which will be explained later on. If you need help or advice, you can chat with an employee of DFV online, or call their customer service Mondays – Fridays from 8:30am to 7pm. The number is +49 (0) 69 95 86 969. Also, you can download pdf files, including terms and conditions and general customer information.

What does it cover and how much does it cost?

The DFV HaftpflichtSchutz is a German personal liability insurance that offers flexibility to their customers. You can choose between 4 different tariffs. With all of them, the sum insured is 20 million Euro. All 4 options include default (Ausfalldeckung), loss of keys, and drones (up to 5kg). Also, with any tariff, you will be freed from the monthly fee in case of unemployment. A dog owner liability (Hundehaftpflicht) can always be booked in addition as well. It is not included in any of the tariffs.

The cheapest model you can choose from is called Single and costs €3.50 per month. With this private liability option, you can set the deductible yourself (between €0 – €300). If you choose €0 deductible, your tariff will change to Single without deductible (Single ohne Selbstbeteiligung). The monthly fee then is €5.30. The Single options do not include your partner, children, family members or people who work in your household. They also exclude children and and other people who are not criminally responsible. Damage caused by the use of the internet is covered, as are your real estates and vehicles. You are also protected during freelance jobs and voluntary activities.

The DFV HaftpflichtSchutz personal liability insurance is valid within Europe and also abroad.

When you want to insure your family as well, you can choose one of the family tariffs. Either with deductible (€0 – €300), which costs €5.30 per month or without deductible (€8.40 per month). Both family tariffs cove the same as the Single tariffs. With the family private liability option, children, your partner and other people in your household are covered as well.

How to book your insurance

Registering for the DFV HaftpflichtSchutz personal liability insurance can be done online on the homepage of Deutsche Familienversicherung. You have to set a start date, the deductible and the amount of people and dogs you want to cover. In addition to that, you have to provide the usual personal information.