German Electricity Providers
Do you want to switch your electricity provider (“Stromanbieter“) in Germany and find a cheaper option? Or are you moving into a new apartment or new house and want to get the best electricity provider?
Use our convenient calculator by Check24 below to compare virtually all electricity providers in Germany! Or click this link to go to Check24 directly.
Type in the following information to get electricity quotes for your area and your individual consumption. Then, select your current contract in order to compare other providers to your current conditions.
Postleitzahl: ZIP code
Stromverbrauch pro Jahr: Your expected consumption in kWh per year
Nur Ökostrom: Do you want electricity exclusively from sustainable sources? (Ja=Yes, Nein=No)
Nutzung: Usage, Privat=Private / Gewerblich=Business
Bonus einberechnen: Include bonuses in calculation
Important terms:
Sofortbonus: A one-time bonus paid in cash within the first three months.
Neukundenbonus: A bonus that is paid or credited towards your bill after you have been a customer for 12 consecutive full months.
Preisfixierung: A guarantee for a certain price per kilowatt hour for a certain time.
Vertragslaufzeit: Minimum contract time.
Kündigungsfrist: Notice period to cancel the contract.
Vertragsverlängerung: Time by which the contract is extended if you do not cancel the minimum contract time.