

German Tax Report


Tax Report in GermanyGerman tax reports are not easy. As a matter of fact, even most Germans don’t understand the German tax system and how to fill out all the forms. So how do you know what the “Finanzamt” needs from you? All the forms are in German and if you are married and have children, it gets even more complicated. What is Werbekostenpauschalbetrag? What is the Kinderfreibetrag and Ehegattensplitting? If you have heard these terms, you have probably done some research on German tax terms.

The good news is that there is a new tax service called Germantaxes, which is completely in English and can help you fill out the forms and also send it to the Finanzamt directly. And with the help of our friends at Germantaxes.de, we are able to provide you with a 5€ discount! Just follow the following link to claim the 5€ voucher: Germantaxes with My German Finances. We think this is a great help for anyone working in Germany with limited knowledge of the German language, because a German tax report can save you thousands of Euros when you depose e.g. work-related expenses and insurances from your income tax.

Germantaxes.de by wundertax will show you how to depose your income-related expenses from your taxes. These expenses can include:

  • Commute to work (regardless of the means of transportation)
  • Business trips
  • Daily food allowance
  • Work-related equipment and tools
  • Work-related relocations
  • Donations and membership fees for unions and other organisations
  • Professional insurance (liability,  accident, and legal costs insurance)
  • Telephone and internet costs
  • Running two households